
Generali - Einfach Überwintern

In winter, when it gets cold, we humans are drawn indoors, to the warmth. We take a winter break, give our bodies and minds some rest, and stay predominantly in the warmth. But not all of us. While most comfortably hibernate at home, others kick into high gear. Because once you have the right strategy and tricks up your sleeve, sports in winter take on a special enchantment, even bordering on magical. For Julia Wittig, ice swimming has something magical… and she lets us be a part of it. For the Generali Online Journal, I had the privilege of supporting the Monacoframe team as a 2nd Unit DP and Colorist.

Production: Monacoframe
Director: Michael Baumberger
Camera: Maximilian Rödl, Maximilian Lamm
Gaffer: Alex Fink
Sound: Andreas Sorré
AC: Ferdinand Soldan
Grading: Maximilian Lamm